Walk 28 – Deal to Pegwell Bay, Kent
Pegwell Bay, Kent is a beautiful but deadly expanse of sand and mud. Starting from the northern end of Sandwich Flats, it stretches across the bay to Pegwell.
This ocean of sand was to be the focus of my walk from Sandown Castle ruin, Deal to Shell Ness, Pegwell Bay.
The narrow shingle beach soon gives way to the sweeping arch of Sandwich Flats, which eventually becomes the car swallowing Pegwell Bay.
Following the Stour Valley Walk, Saxon Shore Way and the White Cliffs Country Trail, the return has constant sea views flanked by the Royal St George's Golf Course. Other countryside routes are easily accessible.
On this walk…
- Look out for seals and porpoise
- The expanse of Pegwell Bay – take note of tides and mud
- OS Explorer map 150 Canterbury & Isle of Thanet